Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm officially off to the races - the blog races that is.  I love stamping blogs, so I decided to start my own.  Hopefully someone, besides me that is, reads it!

Now that I've officially started my blog, what on earth am I going to put in it?  Well, I'll post photos of my projects, tidbits about classes I'm having, the odd note about my ever-growing scrapbook, as well as the odd photo of my loony family!   

My husband  wants to know if he can use my blog to write about sports.  I told him 'no'.  He then asked if he can spout off about politics.  Once again, 'no'.  That's when I told him to get his own blog.  If he does, I'll let you all know because that man can write!  Seriously!  His football pool e-mails are legendary.  If we won the lottery, he'd quit his job and write books.  

Anyhow, enjoy and I hope to see you.  Repeatedly that is.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

At least let him post his rant to Reebok...